The Relation Between International Rights and Natural Rights a Comparison Between Hobbes, Grotius and Kant’s Ideas in law



منتشر شده در مجله International Journal of Multicultural and Multi-religious Understanding

۸ دسامبر ۲۰۲۱ به همراه دکتر سید محمد کاظم سجادپور





International law is a science attributed to Hugo Grotius, based on both natural rights and intergovernmental treaties, although over time it has expanded its sphere of influence to other subjects. In the present study, an attempt is made to address the origins and defined framework of this science by addressing the theories of this Dutch philosopher and to look at the ancestors and successors of Grotius in order to determine the extent of influence by each of the following philosophers: Aristotle and Cicero in ancient times and Hobbes and Kant in the modern era. Examining the nature of natural rights on the one hand and international law on the other and, the relationship between the two from the point of view of Grotius, as well as comparing his point of view with Hobbes' in particular and, referring to Kant are among the topics covered in this article. Because the study of the theoretical foundations and methods of each of the above thinkers as well as their intellectual system and their proponents and opponents can to some extent shed light on the hidden aspects of the issue.




Natural Rights; International Rights; State of Nature; Civilized State; Legal State


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